Tuesday, December 11, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 34

Image result for tongji university at shanghai marx institute  

James P. Warfield, he supports english leanrers from
Tongji University, Shanghai..jingle Yan, Venetian Peng, K. D. Hurley seem noticed these efforts

ZheJiang University, a place for advanced chemistry and research

sometimes, we depend on friends oversea,
thus, we vaue some support,
also may have good folks invite, support back
Thanks for the web viewing...  

Robert Zimmer, Rebecca Zimmer, Emily Zimmer, Barack Obama, 
they reside in Zhengjiang, rotting for us civilians
when John Clinton agrees
they joined Candace Wang, Boonie jo Campbell, Hilary Clinton,

a personal from Orlando invites Sharla A. Paul,
Jason Kelly, Amelia Wilson,  Christopher Johnson add their dishes
Kyle Torke, Maek Williams, Shayla Murphy, or Judy Blume warm up
they make a Granni's house a perfect stop

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